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Response - Gigi on Tertiary Education

Gigi suggests that tertiary education needs to change by allowing alternative forms of work submission and accepting different means of expression. She also proposes incorporating modules that teach students how to apply their subjects in the real world, connecting what is learned in university to future careers. Access is also highlighted as an important issue to address.


  • Alternative forms of work submission
  • Different means of expression
  • Applying subjects in the real world
  • Connecting university learning to careers
  • Addressing access


  • tertiary education
  • connecting university learning to careers
  • access
  • modules
  • dyslexia
  • barrier


Hi guys, I'm Gigi and I'm currently based in London. So summary of the question was how can we change college and university tertiary education? So these are my kind of thoughts.

Right now at university to succeed you have to have a certain level of social capital so you have to know how to start an essay correctly, how to cite source correctly. But for a lot of people who are good enough to attend those institutions they fall between the cracks because they've come an alternate path to university and they don't know what the correct language is to express themselves when they can very well have all the answers and have it perfectly and understand it greatly. There's this huge barrier between your intelligence and your love for the subject and the sort of draconian way that everything has to be answered. I think we really need to allow alternate methods of submission for the work to be graded on. This also helps out so many people who have dyslexia and find writing really hard or a disability, like we have to start accepting other means of submission of the work.

So also you kind of go to university to get a job at the end in whatever you want to do. It's a stepping stone, like yeah you're there because you like geography but probably you're there because you want to get a good job and you're like yeah I'll do geography at uni to get me to somewhere else rather than I just can't wait to spend three years learning about geography and nothing else. So there should be modules in subjects that are actually about how you can use that subject in the outside world in the job you're going to. So like for example I did anthropology, why isn't there a module if you want to be a researcher and anthropologist for the rest of your life, you can opt into that module and they'll teach you how to apply what they've already taught you to become a researcher or like myself if you want to go into advertising or you want to go into publishing or the arts, how we can apply anthropology, what we're learning now to that. Because to be honest it's all about people and I've been doing advertising about people for a year and I've never really applied what I learned at university which seems such a shame when it makes sense that anthropology is about people and so is advertising, how do I not know how to connect the two. Yeah so how do we apply what we learn at university in the wider world, like they need to make that part of the curriculum, it's such a little box, such a little bubble. Yeah and those are kind of my thoughts on that, on changing tertiary education. But yeah it's got to change, I mean access is a whole other different issue but those are my thoughts so far on basically summing it up, how do we connect what we learn to the outside world, they need to do something about that.


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