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Adawa from Birmingham shares her innovative idea of a portable door lock for added security. This device can be easily carried and placed between the door and frame to prevent unauthorized access. Awanaya believes it is a valuable safety measure, particularly for girls, in today's climate.

Full transcription

Hi, my name is Adawa Awanaya and my family are from Cameroon. I grew up in Birmingham and now I'm here at the University of Liverpool studying Law with Criminology as a second year student.

So my innovation I thought was really cool was this portable door lock so you can take it wherever you go like if you're staying in a hotel or if you're staying anywhere that you want to feel safe. You can slide it in between the door and the frame and even if someone tries to break down your door or tries to force their way in or even if they have a key, they still can't get past the door because of this one lock that you've slotted in between the door and the frame.

I actually thought it was really cool because I feel like it's very protective and especially in today's climate, I think that will make a lot of people feel safe, most particularly girls. So I just thought it was really, really cool that they had this thing that was not only portable so very easy to take with you, very easy to carry, not very heavy at all but also something that was a very certain safety measure.

Yeah, so that is my one innovative idea that I thought was really good and should be something that we should all keep regardless of gender. You know, build whatever, I think it's just a very good mechanism of keeping safe.

  • Portable door lock
  • Added security
  • Unauthorized access prevention
  • Safety measure
  • Gender equality in safety
  • Birmingham
  • innovative idea
  • portable door lock
  • security
  • unauthorized access
  • safety measure
  • girls
  • today's climate
  • gender equality