Hiya, my name is Zach, I'm 21 and from London. An innovation that's recently caught my eye is these new open top MRI scanners.
So recently I had to get an MRI scan for my spine and it was quite a strange experience because you know you had to lie down completely inside the machine and not able to move with weights on because you have to be still so that the images come out not blurry and you know my head was locked up looking straight up at the tube above me which is really close to my face.
My shoulders and arms are touching the side of the tube as I'm moving and there's all these weird noises going on and you can't see the end of the tunnel which you've just come in from. It's quite a claustrophobic experience but the new open top MRI machines they only actually cover the top part of your body for about half a meter so unless you're getting your head scanned or your very upper body then you can see around the room that you're in and even when it is scanning your head there's a lot of light coming in because it's not covering the entire length of your body it's not a really long tube like the older kind of versions of MRI machines.
So yeah that's an awesome new innovation that I think is pretty cool. It means that claustrophobic people can get MRIs without panicking and get clearer images because you can stay still without having to worry.