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Mark, a 21-year-old student from London, shares his interest in recent research for sickle cell anemia. He discusses a new drug that has been developed, the first in 20 years, which has shown promising results in decreasing sickle cell crisis frequency. Mark personally finds it significant as his aunt suffered from the disease.

Full transcription

Hi, my name is Mark, I'm 21 years old and I'm from London. I'm currently studying at Cardiff University. Yeah, it's pretty much most about me, like not much else really currently.

But yeah, basically one of the current innovations I've recently heard about that I thought was quite interesting was current research into this drug for sickle cell, sickle cell anemia. Basically, this drug is like injected into veins and yeah, it's the first drug, well first treatment to have been developed for sickle cell in about 20 years, which obviously is quite a big thing, like 20 years is quite a long time.

And for there not to have been any new treatments for sickle cell in that time, it's quite a surprise. But with that, with this new treatment, it's quite a big thing because it decreases from the tests that have gone, that have occurred, it's seen to have decreased sickle cell crisis from about over three times a year per patient to about 1.2, 1.6, which it may not sound like a drastic improvement, but when you're, when you have to go into hospital quite a lot as a result of sickle cell and you can be hospitalized, it can be quite draining, it takes a lot of your time going in. So to go from over three a year to about one-ish is, it'd be, it'd make quite a difference, especially to, especially when there hasn't been much treatment options for people with sickle cell.

But yeah, that's the innovation that I saw and I found quite interesting, especially because my aunt as well, she suffered from sickle cell and that's the reason she passed away. But yeah, seeing stuff like that going across and like coming through, it's quite nice to see basically.

  • Research for sickle cell anemia
  • Development of a new drug
  • Decrease in sickle cell crisis frequency
  • Personal connection with sickle cell disease
  • Significance of the new treatment
  • Mark
  • 21 years old
  • London
  • studying
  • Cardiff University
  • drug
  • sickle cell
  • sickle cell anemia
  • treatment
  • research