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Leo : Soft artificial stent implants


Leo from the University of Bristol discussed an innovative soft artificial stent implant. The implant can be placed within an artificial esophagus and controlled by temperature. Leo believes this development has exciting potential for applications in artificial muscles and soft robotics, improving people's lives and lifespan.

Full transcription

Hi, my name's Leo. I'm from the University of Bristol studying chemistry, but I'm originally from Warwickshire.

So an innovation that caught my eye recently, it was in a paper that I was reading for my current research project, and it was talking about the development of a soft artificial stent implant that they've managed to develop.

Now this soft artificial stent is able to be placed within an artificial esophagus that they developed, and they were able to use temperature just to control the opening of this stent. I found it extremely interesting because it has applications to a lot of things such as artificial muscles and future soft robotics that can be planted within the body, which can have a real difference on people's lives and improve their welfare and their length of life.

This is quite a new innovation and it's very kind of blue skies research at the moment, and I think because of that it could potentially have some really interesting applications in the future depending on the direction in which the research goes.

  • Soft artificial stent implant
  • Artificial esophagus
  • Temperature control
  • Applications in artificial muscles
  • Applications in soft robotics
  • University of Bristol
  • chemistry
  • Warwickshire
  • innovation
  • soft artificial stent implant
  • artificial esophagus
  • temperature control
  • artificial muscles
  • soft robotics