Topic chunking
When exploring a topic, it's often better to ask a series of small, specific questions rather than a single large question.
This approach, known as topic chunking, makes it easier for responders to provide more insightful answers. It also allows you to direct people to replies for a specific sub-topic, as each question has its own dedicated WonderWall.
Pick a topics
Bad: single question
A single broad question can lead to vague, unfocused responses, making it harder to extract meaningful insights.
- "What are your thoughts on tertiary education?"
Good: multiple questions
Clear sub-questions provide structure, encourage deeper engagement, and ensure thorough exploration of the topic.
- Overview "What is your general impression of tertiary education? Do you have first-hand experience? In your mind how has tertiary education changed recently? For the better or the worse?"
- Positive "What are some positive things about tertiary education? What works well? How does tertiary education deliver value? What elements of tertiary education excite you?"
- Negative "What isn't good about tertiary education? What isn't working? What things about tertiary education that frustrate you?"
- Inspiration "If you had the power and resources to improve tertiary education what would you do? Do you have any suggestions for things we should check out for ideas and inspiration - directly or indirectly related to tertiary education?"