newPM and Opiner

The newPM network seeks to bring together diverse voices and experience from across sectors and industries to facilitate new approaches to decision-making, the performance and outcomes of projects, programmes and portfolios. We welcome contributions from people specialising in any disciplines and at any stage in their career.

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Join our community in 3 steps

  • Download the Opiner app (iOS or Android )
  • Create your account
  • Enter our community ID: newpm

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newPM What, why and how

Why join

The network provides curious, reflective minds with a peer group with whom you can share and from whom you can learn.

How it works

We will post a short (three minutes or less) video posing a reflective question on some aspect of project or programme delivery or organisation. There is never a right or wrong answer, the question is designed to spark ideas and generate debate. If you choose to respond to one of the posed questions, you will do so by recording your own perspective on the topic, via the Opiner App on your smartphone. In your three minute answer, we ask you to state: who you are and where (geographically) you are based; to restate the question in your own words, so that anyone viewing your response understands the context; and to answer the question. The best responses are those that seek to take the debate forward rather than closing it down with an ‘exam-type’ answer. Draw on your experience, include an example or guide listeners towards projects or web resources that could help them understand or pursue further enlightenment.

Detailed instructions

Who can access response videos

Your responses may be publicly shared on the Delivery Experts' LinkedIn page and via other others.


Full, early access to your peer's responses.

Terms & Conditions


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